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Why Give Away So Much Free Guidance?

With our podcast Myths of Selling to Government developing strong traction and folks beginning to follow his blog, I've been asked several times why Government Selling Solutions gives away guidance that people would pay big money to receive. We even do quite a handful of introductory consulting sessions at no charge. Yes, some government contracting consultants write blogs and some may even do podcasts, but we generally go beyond providing "teaser" info to attract clients to where we get quite deep with our insight. The question is a good one.

I'd like for the answer to be a noble one, one that demonstrates a commitment to making the government contracts market a better place to work. Or one that speaks to making the nation better. Or one that wants to help people realize their potential in a tricky marketplace. I guess all of those things factor in. But, here's the main reason we do it: I just like it!

Government contracting consultant Rick Wimberly of Galain Solutions, available for mentoring and coaching for people and organizations wanting to build their government sales pipelines.
You Know You Want Guidance from this Fellow

You see, I've been working in government markets for 25+ years and have done quite well at it (I'm proud to say). I've reached the point in my life where I can do more of what I want to do and less of what I don't want to do.

Until a couple of years ago, I had a nice job as CEO of a fine software company that sells to government markets. It began as a short-term consulting engagement that turned into a longer term consulting contract that turned into a full-time job. (I even commuted to an office. Imagine that!) The work was fun. The people were great. I am proud of what we accomplished.

I simply couldn't see myself enjoying it for several more years and had other things I wanted to do. Mostly, I wanted to mentor and coach. I get a lot of energy doing that. It was my favorite thing about the CEO job and other work I've been doing. It's one of my favorite things of being Dad to eight high-achieving adults (4 offspring, 4 spouses). In fact, it was they who encouraged me to re-juice Government Selling Solutions, the consultancy Lorin Bristow and I founded after writing the book "Seven Myths of Selling to Government" (available on Amazon, and not free). They said I should start podcasting, go back to writing and offer myself as a mentor, coach and government contracts consultant to long as I have enough free time for Kathy and me to travel around and babysit. (Just for the heck of it, I'm publishing this on our 47th wedding anniversary...or is it 48th?)

So, there you go. Now you know why we give away so much free guidance. I just want to! That said, I am available for paid gigs to focus on particular people, teams or initiatives. Just don't count on me going to your office everyday. (Well, I guess you can't count on that happening much these days anyway.)

If you'd like to chat about it, or heck, if you'd like to chat about anything, just go to my calendar and pick a time that's convenient for you. You can do that by going here. Meantime, enjoy the free stuff and let me know what you think of it.

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