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Using Artificial Intelligence to Track Down Government Contract Prospects

Here at GSS, we've discovered an innovative way that folks today are using to find government contract prospects and it's Artificial Intelligence. There's a company in headquartered in Canada that is doing a great job using heavy duty AI, spiders and other tricks to help their clients find potential opportunities - even before procurement people find out!

You may be slightly skeptical thinking, "yeah, dozens of companies offer RFP and procurement search services; some even offer deep research." In a recent interview with Ontopical's Head of Revenue, we found out that they go beyond the traditional. The tool not only searches meeting minutes and other publications, but they monitor public meetings for utterances that may help their clients.

So for example, let's say janitorial services comes up in a school board meeting for a two minute discussion. No one in the meeting may be paying attention or even have that resonate.

However, if a janitorial service uses Ontopical, they could get an alert the next day that janitorial services came up at the board meeting. If that company is interested in a contract with the school system, they could reach out directly to the district's maintenance director and poke around.

This is a far cry from the cold calling we harp on as a bad idea. This could be a solid lead. And, no one from the janitorial service had to go to a long (sometimes very long, and boring) meeting to listen for those few minutes that provide insight into a developing opportunity. Ontopical likes to say their technology is like attending 20,000 council meetings at once.

Don't worry, the blog and podcast are not going to become a platform for endorsing products. But this innovative tool can be a game changer that syncs beautifully with what we teach and practice at Government Selling Solutions.

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